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Chainsaw Man Chapter 85 Summary And Review: Kobeni Is Back! Wait Kobeni Is Back?

  Guys Kobeni is Back! Wait, Kobeni is back? (Chainsaw Man Chapter 85 Summary And Review) This all happens before "The Kobeni Dance Cha...


Can we get a shoutout to the parents too for clearly raising this child to be a compassionate and beautiful soul?
Faith in Humanity restored. People share wonderful encounters and stoties that will restore you faith in humanity!

I dont care about your conspiracies or your creepypasta or your celebrity whodunnits. This, this is good. This is a rolemodel and she's younger than 95% of us. Instead of saying you need to be a better person, I'll say she's set an example we all should strive to follow. Generosity and sincerity regardless of social status, race or any of that crap. Dude picks up trash for a living. Nothing glamorous or heroic about it. Kid didn't let that stop her from being sweet. Take a note, I will. She got me beat in the kindness department today.

Now, when your child does that, you know that you raised a good child. You know right then and there, that your child is going to grow up to be the nicest, most caring, most respectful person anybody is ever gonna meet.

The most touching parts of this are that:

A. It was a garbage man. Not a doctor, not a soldier, not a cop or a firefighter. It was a man working a job that most people consider beneath them.

B. Her parents were not only okay with her daughter delivering a gift to a trash man,  they were thrilled about it. They didn't assume he was disgusting, or a criminal.

This is a truly touching picture.

Piper does this every Monday. she has wanted to wavy at our guy since she was about 1 she's 3 now. He even waits to make sure she runs out the door to watch. He will even dump it twice and do the smash thing in front of our house for her. He waves back and makes her day. The green waste guy is " sour " though she says because he doesn't wave back. Love our trash service man.

The trashman is actually a nice guy majority of the time. I remember when I was in grade school in the country. I missed my bus and started walking the 7miles to school (yes 7). After 2 miles i noticed poor garbage man near by and explained I missed the bus. He gave me a ride a couple more miles towards the school so i only had to walk 2 and half miles max that day and saved me either getting hit on the side of the road or my mom beating my ass because im 4 hours late for school.

For some reason our children find heros that we do not think of.  My youngest daughter picked the UPS delivery man.  He became her brother.  She grew up loving him and our entire family adopted him.  If he was due at our house she would want to make him lunch and could not understand why he could not just park the truck and come in and eat.

Garbage men work hard and deserve to be treated once and a while... My husband used to get cold drinks on hot days, and gifts and cards at Christmas time, I like leaving something special for the mail carrier in the box for Christmas too.

This goes to show that the smallest gesture of kindness can mean the world to mankind.  Too bad it takes children to teach adults lessons that were embedded in them at birth.

Why does everything have to be black or white? This little girl looks up to this man and that's it. Even if you are making a positive comment, it still is making it a black or white thing. This world is not based on color, God did not create us based on color. We are all children of god and if people don't start seeing it that way, the world is going to become worse than what it is already.

Kids are so precious. My two year old adores a guy that works for my husband. She calls him "bubba" and when she sees him she goes running to him yelling, "Bubba Bubba!" And gives him a hug. If he doesn't say hi to her before he says hi to my husband, she cries! So cute!

My grandfather once told me: "Garbage collectors have the most important job in the world - They keep our streets clean and without them we would live in a dirty world". He was, and still is, right.

My daughter loves the garbage truck too. She even dressed up like it for Halloween. The driver was so touched by this that he bought her a Christmas present which was a garbage truck. My daughter was over the moon happy, as was the driver.

That was how my dog Sparky was with our UPS guy back in California. He always carried a box milkbones in his truck. She could hear him coming up the street and she would not calm down until we opened the door or gate to let her out to greet him. She would even climb up the steps into the work van to say hello and get her treat. Every year on her birthday (or near it) he would give her a bone instead of a biscuit. Even if we didn't have a delivery to the house she would still want out to say hi to him and would run to whatever house he was delivering to on the street. After several years of Sparky and our UPS guy being besties they changed his route and we got a new UPS guy. When the new guy came and there were no treats you could actually see the sadness in her eyes and body language. It broke my heart to see her head and tail drop as she walks back over to me. I remember when the work van drove away she let out a sad howl. The next time we saw our new UPS guy he came out with a milkbone and said to her "I know I'm not your UPS guy but I hope we can be friends. By the way I have something for you from your old UPS guy." He goes back into his truck and brings out one if those massive sized dog bones and said this was an apology from our old UPS guy. Even to her old age of 13 Sparky would perk up and go racing to meet her second UPS bestie, just a bit slower.

I'm a trash man in the inner city. Kids love the truck, I even let a couple regulars press the buttons to dump their cart.

My youngest girl now almost 7 still is fascinated with the garbage truck/ man and will run out to watch him at every chance. I honestly don't see the appeal.! Children 珞 he will even slow down for her so she can watch

Very cute. When I lived in PA (smallish town) some neighborhood kids where throwing snow balls on a day off from school and the trash guys stopped and threw some snowballs with them. The kids where so elated! It was wonderful to see adult stopping to interact with kids. Really brightened up everyone's day.️ Proves that there are still kind people in the world.

You'd be amazed how the treatment by the people trashmen collect for can make or break their day. I had one lady who when I went by to collect her refuse always came out with Gatorade and water and even snacks occasionally. I ALWAYS looked forward to seeing her not just for the gifts but for her appreciation of what we did. Appreciation that was lacking in the management level that forced me to leave. Miss that lady. Lol even got to meet and get a autographed photo from the guy that dressed up and rode the horse warpaint during the Kansas City Chiefs games back in the 70s.

When I was little I loved seeing the trashman come. I remember being in prek and all of us were lined up on the fence shouting "trashman trashman" just mesmerized by falling trash. Haha...

I used to run out every week to wave at our trash guy! From the time I was a little kid through high school...I loved that guy!

We had the best trash man at our old house, he let my son push the buttons and everything!  When we moved I think that was the only thing I was sad about!

There are 5 children on my street (various ages).... they aren't glued to anything electronic.... they are involved in sports....their parents are ACTIVELY involved with them from education to sports to religion and keeping them busy. Respect, good manners, chores and caring seem to be the watch-words of all 3 families. I LOVE being 'grandma' in the middle! How lucky am I?!!

Aw man I miss picking up garbage for city of Citrus Heights, Ca the people were so especially the holidays I got so many boxes of chocolates pistachios baked goods money gift cards and just holiday hallmark cards it really made my day and sometimes the kids would wave me down and the parents would walk with them up to my truck and pick the kids up to reach my window and the kids Would hand me a little gift bags they made for me and during the summer people would always hook me Up with  water Gatorade soda sometimes they would even try to give me a beer...but south sacramento is a different story.

I remember waiting for the "garbagemen" during the summer in the 60s so we could give then water or watermellon/peaches.   We were white and they were black but it didn't matter -- we just liked seeing them.  Sometimes they'd let us pull the lever to dump the trash in the back of the garbage truck.


Faith In Humanity Restored!

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