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Chainsaw Man Chapter 85 Summary And Review: Kobeni Is Back! Wait Kobeni Is Back?

  Guys Kobeni is Back! Wait, Kobeni is back? (Chainsaw Man Chapter 85 Summary And Review) This all happens before "The Kobeni Dance Cha...


Goku In SSJ From Vs Android 17

One of the main complaints about the form of Goku's Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Blue everyone calling it, is that it's become the same treatment as a regular Super Saiyan. What I mean is that Goku is using it in almost all of his fights now and sort of ruin it's specialty of a form that rivals gods, just more powerful than the last form. The same as a Super Saiyan which is supposed to be a form that is special to the Saiyans over a thousand years as the same as Super Saiyan God is supposed to be this godly form that rivals the gods. Now, anybody can go toe to toe with this form. It's being used so much to wear it's not necessary to go to the form at times which I'll get to that in a sec and making it less special and treating it like a casual Super Saiyan. 

The next big recent complaint is during the new episodes that came out, Goku in his strongest form is holding back against seemingly weaker characters. Now I understand that when he was recruiting his team, he wants to first test them to see if they are ready to fight more powerful opponents then them. That I understand, what I don't get is why do you have to go to your most powerful form when you're still holding back majority of it? It makes no sense in testing someone you know is weaker than yourself and going into your most powerful form to see if they could handle that while still holding back. It should be this " Oh you can handle Super Saiyan, let's go to the next level." "Oh you can handle Super Saiyan 2, how about 3." "Wow you're stronger than I thought, can you handle the realms of the Gods?" "Ok it seems like you're very strong, let's get serious a bit turns into Blue" or something like that. It's like if Frieza on Namek knows he can beat everyone in his first form so he goes straight into his final form while still holding back majority of his power. Krillin is the one I'm the least disappointed or mad at, in fact, I loved that episode and was cheering Krillin on. This was an episode that truly showed that power isn't everything and remind me all the way back in DBZ of how Krillin was distracting Frieza with his techniques despite how far the gap in power of the both of them was as big as Earth to Namek. 

However, what made people riled up is how Goku went to his most powerful form and holding back at the likes of Krillin. Others think that what people was riled up for that are dumb to think that and missing the fact that Goku is just testing Krillin and his confidence. Like I said before, I understand that, but why doesn't he do the same as his weaker forms? Why does he had to go all out but at the same time not when he has other forms that will have the same effect. If he just go Super Saiyan 2 or 3 which we all know clearly overpowers Krillin just on a way smaller scale than Super Saiyan Blue, then why got to Blue? And the Kamehameha clash was cool but didn't make sense of how Krillin was slightly pushing it back even though Goku at his strongest was still holding back but put more power into the blast when he was getting pushed back that should of already go through Krillin's Kamehameha and that complaint goes to Goku. 

Now for 17, I know he became much more powerful than before but as the same solution I gave before in order to test 17's strength is Goku to go through the steps of Super Saiyan instead of going into his most powerful form and holding back and even 17 was holding back and clashing against that too which just bring up the answer that even an android can catch up to a god within a decade or more (the timeline of DBS sucks too). 

Powerscaling was always messed up all the way back at the Namek arc with power levels like Vegeta and Dodoria are just 2,000 apart and Vegeta was able to totally annihilate him yet Frieza was like 280,000 stronger than Vegeta yet Vegeta was able to handle him. But this really shows that the powerscaling is excuse me of my language so fucked up and inconsistant that anyone can be god level or rival the gods is what Super is showing. 

I'm going to answer those who think that the complaining about Goku's Super Saiyan Blue is dumb and they should grow up. For those who say "Goku was holding back the whole time against 17 and Krillin and testing them so they know they are going to be more powerful than himself so there ya go" Yes he was holding back and there will be more powerful opponents than Goku even in his God form however like I said he can do the same thing in his other forms. Regardless of how stronger the opponent is to Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue form, they still gonna end up stronger than 17, 18, and Krillin even if Goku never used Blue in their fight. What the message I got from what Goku using Blue in the first place is doing to test them is there's gonna be the possiblity of fighters more stronger than his strongest form so they shouldn't rely on him just to win the Tournament of Power (which would probably end up happening) and win by whatever you can following the rules. This is what I can understand from him. The next one is "The fans say they want to have these side characters some spotlight. They ask for it yet when they get it they're still complaining", yes this is true but what will be your reaction if you ask for something and it doesn't turn out the way you expected it to be? Yes I want the side characters to get their spotlight and that's what the Tournament of Power is somewhat focusing on and I'm happy. My main worries of it was they shouldn't make those characters seem too powerful as they orginialy were. What I mean by this is they shouldn't be able to keep up or go toe to toe with powerful opponents like Goku, Vegeta, Hit, Toppo, Jiren etc. Sure they can become more powerful than they once were but shouldn't be able to be anywhere near Goku's power especially with the limited amount of time they have. "Dragon Ball has always been like this from the very beginning and always does this so there's nothing to complain about" but you treat shows like Fairy Tail that way when it does the same thing over and over. If you say people shouldn't complain about how Dragon Ball is and if you complain about how Fairy Tail is then you're just as bad or a hypocrite.

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