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Are You Living Beyond Your Means? If You Are, How Do You Get Out Of Debt?

Do You Think You Are Living Beyond Your Means?

Are You Living Beyond Your Means?

How easy is it to get into debt these days?  Too easy.  But how can you tell how much debt is too much and what can you do about it?  Well if you've got money problems, here's the answer.  Just take the simple test to see if you've got a debt problem and then read the answer for what to do about it.

Do you find that keeping control of your finances is becoming increasingly difficult?

Spend! Spend! Spend! ... End!
In today’s society, advertisements bombard us with offers which encourage us to Spend!  Spend!  Spend!  With promises such as-

“Easy Credit!”

“Pre-approved loans!”
“3 years interest-free credit!”
“Free gift when you apply!”

To most people this can all seem rather tempting, given the current “live for today” attitude.   But too much can be spent on luxuries, leaving not enough to pay the bills.

Certain kinds of debt may be appropriate, such as a mortgage or a car.  Many people, however, try to buy more than they can afford.  Indeed, banks and businesses encourage us to do so.

Credit cards can be too easy to obtain yet too difficult to maintain, especially when people find themselves borrowing from one card to pay off another.

Credit may even be advertised as free – but we still have to pay in the end.
Many families can loose up to £1,000 a year in instalment debts, resulting in a drop in their future standard of living.  Families often live from payday to payday with little or no savings for emergencies.

In America personal bankruptcies have doubled in the last 10 years.  Most of these people had jobs yet unexpected bills or reductions in pay caused their bankruptcy.

Many economists agree that a global recession is on its way.
British people have over £130 billion of personal debt.  It is estimated that, on average, there is £3,000 of debt from credit cards, loans and overdrafts for every adult in the country – and that’s excluding mortgages.

The amount borrowed from credit cards has more than doubled in the past 4 years.

Debt is fine, if you can afford the repayments.  But what if you lost your job?

The time to get out of debt is now!
The time to get out of debt is now!

One major benefit of getting out of debt is avoiding interest payments.  For instance; if you owe £1,000 on a credit card with an interest rate of 18.9% per year, and you only pay the minimum, say 3% per month, it will take over 13 years to pay it off plus a HUGE £848 in interest.

But if you double your payments to 6% per month, the debt will be gone in less than 5 years and the interest paid will be £292.

Savings can be gained by switching mortgages and if you fix your interest rate for 2 or 3 years then you can rest easy knowing what your repayments will be for the next few years.  But make sure your mortgage is flexible so that you can pay off more if you do have some spare money.

Bank loans or hire purchase agreements can be trickier to pay off, as there may be penalties for early repayment.  Just stick to the repayments and make sure that you don’t get tempted into any more debt.  Remember that covetousness (i.e. desiring what we see) = debt!  This is because we often get into debt over what we want, not what we need.

There are warning signs to indicate whether you are heading for financial difficulties.  Look at the following list of 10 signals.  If any one applies to you then it’s time to take a closer look at your budget.  If more than one applies then you could already be in financial difficulty.

•Using a credit card for purchases that you normally pay for with cash.

•Taking out loans to pay off debts.

•Paying only minimum amounts due on credit cards.

•Receiving “overdue” notices.

•Using savings to pay bills.

•Cashing-in or borrowing from, life insurance policies.

•Working overtime to make ends meet.

•Using your overdraught to pay bills

•Juggling debts and only paying the most demanding.

•Obtaining credit card cash advances for day-to-day living expenses.

If you’re seriously worried about your overspending, The Citizen’s Advice Bureau offers free debt information.

Once your debt is under control, you need to think about saving.  A standing order straight into your savings account is a good idea as the money goes straight out of your current account every month along with the bills.

Always remember never to get into debt over things that have no long-term impact on your life.  For instance, do you really need an upgrade on your computer?  Is a new DVD player really such a necessity?  And what about a second car?  Is it really essential or just an expensive convenience?

Don’t forget to also take a close look at the small things in life.  For example, do you really need to go and have a cappuccino every time you pass a coffee shop?  And packing a sandwich for work instead of buying one can save you about £40 a month.

But by far the most important thing to do when it comes to personal finance is to keep a constant check on your outgoings.  Don’t wait for your bank statement to scare you next time it comes through your door.  Remember the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

9 Places You Can Save Money For Your Family

So what is the best way to get out of debt? First Step: Save Money for your Family

Most families are spending more and more money every year (and not just because the cost of living rose) while also saving less and less. One reason is that few household managers spend much time reviewing expenses and expenditures to find ways they can save money. However almost every family has places where costs can be cut and pennies can be pinched -- and if those freed up funds are then used to pay down debt and save for the future it could have a dramatic impact on their lives.

Most families are spending more and more money every year (and not just because the cost of living rose) while also saving less and less. One reason is that few household managers spend much time reviewing expenses and expenditures to find ways they can save money. However almost every family has places where costs can be cut and pennies can be pinched -- and if those freed up funds are then used to pay down debt and save for the future it could have a dramatic impact on their quality of life.

Food is one big area where many families could be more thrifty. Families spend an average of $2,434 on food away from home, according to the Consumer Expenditure Survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you (and your spouse and your children) eat lunch out every day of the week then try brown-bagging at least one of those days. If just one of you does it you may save up to $400 a year and if you can double or triple that savings you could finance a family vacation with it.

Another major expense is your home. When was the last time you looked at refinancing? Can you find a lower interest rate? Can you renegotiate to a shorter time frame? Even if you can't change your mortgage payment you may be able to pay a bit extra each month which over time will help pay down your mortgage faster. Also, don't overlook your utilities. There are ways to save in this area as well including updating your insulation and weather stripping, keeping up-to-date with maintenance and cleaning of your furnace and air conditioner or using a programmable thermostat to take advantage of those times when your house is empty or the family is asleep.

Transportation is another major expense for many families. Not only are vehicles expensive to buy but also to maintain and operate especially with gasoline prices at such high levels. Is carpooling an option for any members of the family on at least a part-time basis? Make sure to combine errands and trips to cut down on your travel and save money when buying gasoline by taking advantage of special programs and discounts and remaining vigilant about gas prices. In addition, following a regular maintenance schedule and proper tire inflation can also help you achieve maximum gas mileage for your vehicle.

Choosing your bank wisely can be another way to save money. Make sure the bank you use offers free (or at least low cost) checking as well as electronic bill-paying. Electronic bill-paying and a debit card can cut down on your need to use checks and postage which will save you in the long run as well as help you better manage payments so you will avoid fees, penalties, and higher interest rates.

Cutting your credit card costs can be another major savings. This means making sure you are using the best possible credit card with a low interest rate and low or no annual fee. Shop around until you find your perfect match and don't forget to cancel and cut up those rejected suitors.

Health care is not really an area where you can cut expenses but you can save money by taking advantage of special offers and programs. For example, many employers offer a Flexible Spending Account where you can save money before taxes for out-of-pocket medical expenses for prescription and nonprescription drugs, dental expenses, and eye care.

Tuning up your insurance policies can also help you save money. When did you last compare rates for your home, your vehicles, and yourself? Some other ways to cut costs are to raise your deductible level or using the same company for multiple coverage (your home and vehicles). When you are shopping around make sure to give your current company a shot at keeping you. Sometimes they can offer a better rate too.

Another major expense for many families is the cost of communication including local and long distance phone service, cell phones, cable or satellite television, and Internet access. Review your expenditures and cut out the services you don't need. Can some of these expenses be bundled to save money? Are there better plans for your needs?

When looking to save money it is important to become an aggressive shopper. The Internet makes it possible today to compare prices and product reviews while not spending a lot of time and money driving from store to store. Any big ticket item (and that includes your weekly groceries, cleaning products and health and beauty aids) deserves a closer study.

Over the next, month take time to review your family expenses and expenditures in each of these nine areas. Making a few alterations in your family's spending habits will soon make a difference in the overall household budget. You can raise your family's quality of life by making just a few changes in your monthly budget.

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